Tracey Brown – Sense About Science

Posted on September 30, 2005 by


Tracey Brown is the Director of the charitable trust Sense About Science which seeks to respond to “the misrepresentation of science and scientific evidence on issues that matter to society”. It promotes the principle of independent peer review and scientific enquiry free from stigma, intimidation and political pressure.

Tracey has been the Director of Sense About Science since shortly after it was established in 2002. She has a background in social research, particularly on the social dynamics of risk, together with experience of organizing research projects in the social sciences. She spent four years working on the establishment of an EC-funded regional research and academic teaching centre in Kazan, Russia, while based at the University of Kent; she spent a year in a more commercial research environment as an analyst, setting up a research unit for crisis management specialists. She is a regular contributor to public and media debates about science and progress.

Posted in: Little Atoms