Neil and Rebecca are joined by Tracy King and DC Turner, and special guest Tim Minchin. Tracy King is the Managing Director of February Marketing is the organiser of TAM London and co-organiser of The Big Libel Gig. She speaks on a range of topics including viral marketing, advertising psychology and using marketing in science communication and […]
On the evening of 14th March 2010 the Palace Theatre in London was host to The Big Libel Gig, a fundraiser for the Libel Reform Campaign. Rebecca Watson and Neil Denny were present for Little Atoms and recorded interviews with: Simon Singh, Tim Minchin, Marcus Brigstocke, Tracey Brown, Richard Wiseman, Brian Cox, Ben Goldacre, Dara O’Briain, Ariane Sherine, Ed Byrne, Shappi Khorsandi and Robin Ince. The show contains […]
The Amazing Meeting (TAM), London took place on the 3rd and 4th October 2009, and saw around 600 Skeptics converge for a fundraising celebration of science, critical thinking and entertainment in the heart of the city, on behalf of the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF). Neil Denny of Little Atoms, and Rebecca Watson (The Skeptics’ […]
[display_podcast] Tim Minchin (with Rebecca Watson) Tim Minchin is an Australian musician, actor, comedian and writer. Rebecca Watson is a sceptical female activist at Skepchick who co-hosts the weekly podcast The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe. First broadcast on 23rd January 2009
[display_podcast] This week’s Little Atoms consists of a number of interviews recorded backstage on 18th December at 9 Lessons and Carols for Godless People @ the Bloomsbury Theatre. The show contains an extended interview with shows curator Robin Ince, and then short interviews with contributors Darren Hayman, Christina Martin, Waen Shepherd, Simon Singh, Natalie Haynes, […]
October 15, 2010