Browsing All posts tagged under »Ann Druyan«

Little Atoms 269 – Ann Druyan: Voyager, Cosmos and Carl Sagan

March 1, 2013


Ann Druyan is an author and television and film writer & producer whose work is largely concerned with the effects of science and technology on our civilization. She was co-writer with Carl Sagan and Steven Soter of the Emmy and Peabody Award winning television series COSMOS, and as the founder and CEO of COSMOS STUDIOS, she is currently working […]

A Carl Sagan Special

December 22, 2006


[display_podcast] The 20th December 2006 marks the tenth anniversary of the death of the astronomer, astrobiologist and populariser of science, Carl Sagan. This program will explore aspects of the life, work and influence of Sagan, and includes a number of short interviews with Sagan’s family, friends and former colleagues. Contributors include Ann Druyan, Founder of […]