Browsing All posts tagged under »Angela Saini«

Angela Saini – Geek Nation

July 8, 2011


Angela Saini is the author of Geek Nation and an award-winning independent journalist based in London. Her book is about a journey through India, to find out whether the country is set to become the world’s next scientific superpower. Angela’s work focuses on science, technology and their impact on society. Her writing has been published in New Scientist, Science […]

Little Atoms Live: Which Way to Techno-Utopia?

May 23, 2011


Recorded Monday 23rd May 2011 at The Free Word Centre. Chair: Becky Hogge, with Gia Milinovich, Angela Saini and Ken Hollings. Over the last century technology has evolved exponentially and has changed our lives in ways that are too numerous to count. But what effect does technology have on wider society? How has it changed the ways we interact and […]