Little Atoms 239 – Road Trip 19 – Ian Tattersall

Posted on August 17, 2012 by


This is the only interview in the Road Trip series conducted over the telephone. Neil was supposed to meet up with Ian Tattersall when he visited the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, but a late change in plans meant that the interview recorded from Neil’s hotel room in Chicago. Ian Tattersall was until his recent retirement a curator in the Division of Anthropology of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, where he co-curated the Spitzer Hall of Human Origins. He is the acknowledged leader of the human fossil record, and has won several awards, including the Institute of Human Origins Lifetime Achievement Award. He has appeared on Charlie Rose and NPR’s Science Friday and has written for Scientific American and Archaeology. He’s been widely cited by the media, including The New York Times, BBC, MSNBC, and National Geographic. Ian Tattersall is the author of Becoming Human, and most recently Masters of the Planet: The search for our Human Origins.

Posted in: Road Trip