In this week’s podcast, Neil Denny travels to Oakland, California, to the headquarters of the National Center for Science Education to talk to Eugenie Scott.
Eugenie Scott is Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education. She has written extensively on the evolution-creationism controversy and is a past president of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. She is the author of Evolution vs. Creationism: An Introduction.
Posted in: Road Trip
David Roemer
June 8, 2012
Eugenie did a good job of explaining why ID is pseudoscience, but NSCE is also guilty of pseudoscience. I was criticizing Richard Dawkins about the second law of thermodynamics, and Glen Branch of the NCSE cited an article in the American Journal of Physics titled “Evolution and entropy†which said the same thing Dawkins said. I am now trying to get the AJP to retract this absurd article. Evolution does not violate the second law, but the article uses a fake equation to prove this. The article calculates the entropy of a biological system using the Boltzmann constant. This is absurd because a biological system has neither a temperature nor an entropy. My conversations with the AJP is at