Little Atoms 345 – Mind’s Eye Interviews Two

Posted on September 24, 2014 by


The  second of three special editions of Little Atoms from Mind’s Eye, an audio installation at Brighton Digital Festival, featuring a number of interviews with space people.

The second show features interviews with Sandra Cauffman, Deputy Project Manager of MAVEN, Hakan Svedhem, Project Scientist on Venus Express, and Dr Katherine Joy of the University of Manchester on the Moon.

These were recorded for an audio installation, Mind’s Eye, which is happening at Circus Street Market for Brighton Digital Festival from 13th to 28th September 2014. This ambitious outdoor audio piece brings art and science together and offers the audience an opportunity to explore and understand the solar system via the voices of those most familiar with it. Thanks to Andy Franzkowiak and Mary Jane Edwards of Shrinking Space for asking Little Atoms to take part, and to Lorraine Conroy of ESA for arranging most of the interviews.

Posted in: Little Atoms