Jules Evans is Policy Director at the Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary, University of London, where he runs the Well-Being Project. He has worked with organisations including the new economics foundation, the RSA, the School of Life and the Rockefeller Foundation on philosophy and well-being. He also writes for publications including The Spectator, The Times, The Wall Street Journal and Psychologies, and for his own blog, www.philosophyforlife.org. He is co-organiser of the London Philosophy Club, and the founder of www.thephilosophyhub.com, an Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project to research and promote philosophy groups worldwide. He is the author of Philosophy for Life And Other Dangerous Situations.
Little Atoms 216 – Jules Evans – Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations
Posted in: Little Atoms
Posted on May 4, 2012 by