The annual conference of the Orange County Freethought Alliance took place over the weekend of May 19th and 20th 2012 at the University of California, Irvine. Neil Denny attended the conference on the Saturday 19th May and talked to some of the speakers. This podcast features five short interviews.  Richard Carrier is a writer for Internet Infidels and a historian of the historical Jesus,  Aron Ra is an internet activist who uses phylogenetics to counter the claims of creationists,  Heina Dadabhoy is a former muslim and a current writer for Skepchick,  Dave Silverman is the president of American Atheists and organiser of the Reason Rally,  and Brian Dunning is the producer and presenter of the seminal podcast Skeptoid.
Little Atoms 223 – Road Trip 08 – Freethought Alliance Annual Conference
Posted on June 19, 2012 by
Posted in: Road Trip
July 12, 2012
I enjoyed this episode. It was good to hear the interviewees speaking one-to-one rather than in the usual mass audience setting.
Aron Ra, in particular, came across quite differently (in a good way).
Also felt quite inspired by Dave Silverman’s approach to promoting atheism (get it out there).
And the closing credits read by Neil deGrasse Tyson made me smile (he’s so swarve).