Little Atoms 372 – Wellcome Book Prize 2105 Part Two
Neil Denny talks to two more shortlisted writers, Henry Marsh and Marion Coutts.
Neil Denny talks to two more shortlisted writers, Henry Marsh and Marion Coutts.
April 22, 2015
On Wednesday 29th April the winner of the 2015 Wellcome Book Prize will be announced. In the first of two special editions of Little Atoms, Neil Denny talks to three of the shortlisted writers. This week: Miriam Toews, Scott Stossell and Sarah Moss. Miriam Toews was born in 1964 in the small Mennonite town of […]
April 15, 2015
On this week's Little Atoms, Neil Denny talks to New York writer Christopher Bollen about his new novel Orient.
April 8, 2015
On this week’s Little Atoms, Susan Pinker on her book The Village Effect, and Gary Wilson on his book Your Brain on Porn. Susan Pinker is a developmental psychologist and award-winning newspaper columnist who writes about psychology and social science in the Globe and Mail. She has worked as a clinical psychologist for twenty-five years […]
April 1, 2015
Andrew Scull is Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Science Studies, University of California, San Diego. He has previously taught at the University of Pennsylvania and at Princeton. His many publications include Museums of Madness; Social Order/Mental Disorder; The Most Solitary of Afflictions: Madness and Society in Britain, 1700–1900; Masters of Bedlam; Madhouse: A Tragic Tale […]
April 29, 2015