Browsing All Posts published on »December, 2013«

Little Atoms 306 – Jennifer Potter & Andrew Mueller

December 21, 2013


Jennifer Potter is a horticultural historian who writes about the history and culture of plants, plantsmen and gardens. The author of four novels and five works of non-fiction, including Strange Blooms: The Curious Lives and Adventures of the John Tradescants, and The Rose: A True History, and a regular reviewer for the Times Literary Supplement, she is currently a Royal […]

Little Atoms 305 – Jonathan Meades & Sarah Ditum

December 14, 2013


Jonathan Meades is a writer, journalist, essayist and film-maker. His books include three works of fiction - Filthy English,  Pompey and The Fowler Family Business – and several anthologies including the recently published Museum Without Walls. He is currently working on a book entitled An Encyclopedia of Myself, which will be published in 2014. He has written and performed in more […]

Little Atoms 304 – Aleks Krotoski & Matthew Sweet

December 7, 2013


Aleks Krotoski is an academic and journalist who writes about and studies technology and interactivity. She is currently a Visiting Fellow in the Media and Communications Department at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Research Associate at the Oxford Internet Institute. Aleks writes for the Guardian and Observer newspapers, and hosts Tech Weekly, their technology podcast. […]