Browsing All Posts published on »April, 2012«

Little Atoms Road Trip 01 – Introduction

April 27, 2012


Between 12th May and 9th June 2012, Neil Denny will be embarking on a 6000 mile road trip across America. The aim of the trip to produce a series of podcasts which present a wide-ranging overview of science and skepticism from an American perspective. Neil will be interviewing scientists working on ground-breaking, cutting edge science, […]

Jonah Lehrer – Imagine: How Creativity Works

April 27, 2012


Jonah Lehrer is a contributing editor at Wired and a frequent contributor to The New Yorker. He writes the Head Case column for the Wall Street Journal and regularly appears on WNYC’s Radiolab. His writing has also appeared in Nature, the New York Times Magazine and Scientific American. Jonah graduated from Columbia University and attended Oxford […]

Ian Stewart – 17 Equations That Changed the World

April 20, 2012


Ian Stewart’s bestselling books include Professor Stewart’s Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities, Professor Stewart’s Hoard of Mathematical Treasures and Mathematics of Life. He is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Warwick University where he maintains an active research program. He is well know for his ability to make mathematics popular, and in 2001 he was awarded the Royal Society’s Michael Faraday Medal […]

Susan Cain – Quiet

April 6, 2012


Susan Cain is a writer who specializes in psychological non-fiction. She has a blog on psychology, and her New York Times article on the evolutionary benefits of shyness was the most emailed article in the paper when published. Susan graduated with honors from Princeton University and Harvard Law School. She previously worked in corporate law […]