Martin Nowak is the author of Supercooperators: Evolution, Altruism and Human Behaviour or Why We Need Each Other to Succeed. Martin is Professor of Biology and Mathematics at Harvard University and the recipient of a raft of international prizes. He has held major research posts at the University of Vienna, Oxford University, Princeton and now Harvard and […]
Masha Gessen is author of Perfect Rigour: A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century. She is a journalist who has written for Slate, Seed, the New Republic, the New York Times, and other publications. Her previous books include Blood Matters: A Journey Along the Genetic Frontier.
John Lanchester is the author of: Whoops! Why Everyone Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay. As a journalist and novelist, he was winner of the Whitbread First Novel Award for his debut The Debt to Pleasure. He is a regular contributor to the London Review of Books and The New Yorker, and a restaurant critic for the […]
David Eagleman is is a neuroscientist at Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, where he directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action and the Initiative on Neuroscience and Law. He is best known for his work on time perception, synesthesia and neurolaw. His book on neuroscience include Wednesday is Indigo Blue, and the recently published Incognito. He writes regularly for […]
Prof Tim Wu is an author, policy advocate and author of The Master Switch. Tim is a professor at Columbia Law School, the chairman of media reform organization Free Press. Wu was recognized in 2006 as one of 50 leaders in science and technology by Scientific American magazine, and in 2007 was listed as one of Harvard’s […]
April 29, 2011