Browsing All Posts published on »January, 2010«

Stewart Brand – Whole Earth Discipline

January 29, 2010


[display_podcast] Stewart Brand initially started out as an ecologist. His legendary Whole Earth Catalogue (1968-1985) won the US National Book Award in 1972. Brand, whose previous books include The Media Lab, How Buildings Learn, and The Clock of the Long Now, is president and co-founder of the Long Now Foundation and co-founder of the Global […]

David Stubbs – Fear of Music

January 29, 2010


[display_podcast] David Stubbs is a freelance British music journalist and author. Between 2004 and 2006 he was reviews editor for The Wire, the UK based magazine dedicated to avant garde and experimental music of all genres. Between 1987 and 1988 he was staff writer at Melody Maker, before going on to join the staff of […]

Graham Farmelo – The Strangest Man

January 22, 2010


[display_podcast] Graham Farmelo is Senior Research Fellow at the Science Museum, London, and Adjunct Professor of Physics at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. Formerly a theoretical physicist, he is now an international consultant in science communication. He edited the best-selling It Must be Beautiful: Great Equations of Modern Sciencein 2002. Graham’s latest book is The Strangest Man: The […]

Prof Brian Cox – The LHC, Accelerated Kittens and Tw@ts

January 8, 2010


[display_podcast] Professor Brian Cox is a particle physicist, a Royal Society research fellow and is a member of the High Energy Physics group based at the University of Manchester and works on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. He is best known to the public as the presenter of a number of science programmes for the BBC, most […]