Browsing All Posts published on »November, 2009«

Prof Raymond Tallis – The Kingdom of Infinite Space

November 20, 2009


[display_podcast] Raymond Tallis was Professor of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Manchester until he left to become a full-time writer in 2006. He is the author of more than 250 medical publications. In 2007 Tallis was presented with the Lord Cohen Gold Medal for Research into ageing and in the same year the Healthwatch […]

Timandra Harkness – Engaging Cogs

November 6, 2009


[display_podcast] Timandra Harkness was formerly the director of FameLab (the Cheltenham Science Festival’s search for new talent in Science Communication) and of Engaging Cogs (a forum for public discussion around engineering). Timandra now works as a consultant and trainer in sharing science and engineering with the public. She hosts and facilitates events for organisations including the […]