Browsing All Posts published on »January, 2009«

Tania Glyde – How I Gave up Drinking and Lived

January 30, 2009


[display_podcast] Tania Glyde is an author, journalist and broadcaster. She has written two novels to date, Clever Girl and Junk DNA. Her short stories have appeared in the Disco 2000 and Vox ‘n’ Roll anthologies. She was Time Out’s Sex columnist for two years, and produced and presented the groundbreaking chat show Midnight Sex Talk […]

Tim Minchin – So FU(c)King rock!

January 23, 2009


[display_podcast] Tim Minchin (with Rebecca Watson) Tim Minchin is an Australian musician, actor, comedian and writer. Rebecca Watson is a sceptical female activist at Skepchick who co-hosts the weekly podcast The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe. First broadcast on 23rd January 2009

Josie Long – All of the Planets Wonders

January 9, 2009


[display_podcast] Josie Long is an award winning comedian. In 1999 Josie won the BBC New Comedy Award at the age of just 17 – making her too young for the champagne that came as part of the prize. Despite the boost the award would have given to her comedy career, she took time off performing […]