[display_podcast] Terry Glavin is an award-winning author and journalist, an adjunct professor in the Department of Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia, and the editor of Transmontanus Books. His publications include This Ragged Place:Travels Across the Landscape, which was a Governor General’s Award finalist, and The Last Great Sea. His latest book The […]
[display_podcast] Heather Couper is one of the UK’s foremost broadcasters and writers on astronomy, space and science. She has produced and presented numerous radio and television programs, including the long running series “Seeing Stars” on the BBC World Service, and most recently “A History of British Rocketry” on Radio 4. She has written over 30 […]
[display_podcast] Anne Quesney is the Director of Abortion Rights. Abortion Rights is a national pro-choice campaign, leading the drive to bring British abortion law into line with public opinion – so that women can make their own reproductive decisions without the current unfair obstructions. Abortion Rights also coordinate opposition to continual attempts by the anti-choice […]
[display_podcast] Andrew Anthony is a feature writer and investigative journalist. He has written for the Observer for 10 years, and also writes for the Guardian, Vogue and the Saturday Telegraph. His features cover a wide range of subjects: politics, crime, sport, literature, TV and popular culture. His latest book is a polemical memoir, The Fallout: […]
October 26, 2007