Browsing All Posts published on »June, 2007«

Tom Standage – A History of the World in 6 Glasses

June 22, 2007


[display_podcast] Tom Standage is the business editor of The Economist. He started his career as the Science and Technology Editor at the Guardian, and has written several books which merge popular science and history including Victorian Internet , The Neptune File and The Mechanical Turk . He says of his books “I think the right […]

Christopher Hitchens – God is Not Great

June 8, 2007


[display_podcast] Christopher Hitchens is a British born, but recently naturalised American Author, Journalist, Essayist and Literary Critic. Based in Washington D.C., Christopher is currently a writer for Vanity Fair and Slate, and an (acrimoniously) ex-writer for The Nation. Christopher’s most recently published book is God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything. Christopher’s books include […]