Browsing All Posts published on »July, 2006«

Paul Berman – The New Republic

July 21, 2006


[display_podcast] Paul Berman is a writer on politics and literature. His books, which have been translated into fourteen languages, include “A Tale of Two Utopias”, “Terror and Liberalism”, and “Power and the Idealists: Or, the Passion of Joschka Fischer and its Aftermath”. He writes for The New Republic (where he is a contributing editor) and […]

Brendan O’Neill – Bosnia to Beslan

July 7, 2006


[display_podcast] Brendan O’Neill is the deputy editor of spiked, the online magazine with the modest ambition of making history as well as reporting it. He started his career in journalism at spiked ‘s predecessor, LM magazine, until that was forced to close following a libel action brought by ITN. Brendan’s writing has been published widely […]